Please note: this is an advanced level (not an introductory), highly condensed, intensive school, aimed at researchers who need to broaden their computational data science skills, who already have a sufficient background to benefit from it effectively, and who can make the necessary time and effort commitment. It is not aimed at casual learners, students without a sufficient preparation, or those simply curious about the big data science; such needs may be better served in other venues.
There will be two tiers of students:
1. Enrolled students, selected on the basis of their applications, who will participate in interactive, on-line sessions with the instructors. The number of these slots is very limited and these students must make a commitment to attend the school for the duration. They have to have a strong background (at least at a strong undergraduate, and preferably graduate level, or beyond) in data-driven computing, statistics, and/or computer science, and some research experience.
2. Anyone else, who can have access to all of the on-line materials (but not to the instructors) through a MOOC on Coursera, to study at their own pace (i.e., you do not have to do it Sept. 2-12, but any time from then on). You need to open a Coursera account (it is free), and then sign up for this school when the registration opens, on Sept. 1 or earlier. The URL for it will be posted here as soon as it is official. There will be discussion threads there, and some of them may be monitored by the instructors, who may answer some questions, but there is no commitment to do so.
By the morning of each school day (or earlier), video lectures and related links will be posted. Each day there will be 2-3 hours worth of lectures, and 1-2 hours worth of hands-on exercises, supervised by the instructors and the school staff. The enrolled students will be interacting with the instructors through some on-line mechanism (still to be decided).
This summer school is supported by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Keck Institute for Space Science, California Institute of Technology